My Astrophotographs of 2024

Jakoby 1 is a very faint planetary nebula

Jakoby 1 is one of the faintest planetary nebulae and is located in the constellation Bear Guardian in the northern sky.
It was only discovered in 1993 by Jacoby and van de Steene at the Kitt Peak Observatory's 2.1m telescope at PG1520+525, an extremely hot (140,000K) white dwarf. This deep blue central star PG1520+525 is beautifully visible in my image.
OIII is only very, very weak and Ha is almost not present at all.
To replace the non-existent Ha, I used the Lum from the starless RGB.

RA:  15  21  44.4
DEC:  +52  22  15.7

Taken on April 6, 2024 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria.
Designed in HOO with RGB stars.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Exposure and filters: Red: 16x60sec., Green: 16x60sec., Blue: 16x60ec., OIII: 14x1200sec..
Total exposure time: 5h 28min..

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader RGB, OIII, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Drafted April 10, 2024.
(This recording does not yet include any Ha recordings!)
(c) Herfried Exl

Diese Astonomie Aufnahme von meinem Jacoby 1 bzw. PG1520+525, wurde zum „Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day 12.April 2024“ gewählt.
... which of course makes me very happy.

Jakoby 1 is a very faint planetary nebula
(now supplemented with Ha and OIII)

Ha total exposure 7 hours.
14 x 1800 sec.

OIII total exposure 9 hours and 10 minutes.
14 x 1200 sec.
and 9 x 1800 sec.

Jakoby1 is one of the faintest planetary nebulae and is located in the constellation Bear Guardian in the northern sky. 
It was only discovered in 1993 by Jacoby and van de Steene at the 2.1m telescope of the Kitt Peak Observatory at PG1520+525, an extremely hot (140,000K) white dwarf.
This deep blue central star PG1520+525 is beautifully visible. OIII is only very, very weak and Ha is almost non-existent!
Recorded on April 6th, 11th and 12th, 2024 at Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria and at Geschriebenstein in the BGL.

RA:  15  21  44.4
DEC:  +52  22  15.7

Elaborated in HOO with RGB stars.
Exposure and filters: Lum: 23x60sec., Red: 24x60sec., Green: 16x60sec., Blue: 16x60sec., OIII: 14x1200sec., OIII: 9x1800sec., Ha: 14x1800sec..
Total exposure time: 17h 29 min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Drafted April 15, 2024.

As you can see, Ha is so weak that even 14x1800sec. Photos only show a slight red glow in the PN. I can imagine that if you were to take the same shot at the same or even slower shooting times in higher locations with better visibility, you would be able to see better details.
This is also one of the reasons why I prefer locations over 2000m for narrowband or element recordings.
(c) Herfried Exl

W63, SNR G82-2+5.3 a very faint supernova remnant in Cygnus.

W63, SNR G82-2+5.3 a very faint supernova remnant in Cygnus.
The main element of the image is the old and dimly glowing supernova remnant W 63 (SNR G082.2+5.3) in the constellation Cygnus (Swan).
The object, located about 5,000 light-years away, has a perspective size of about 86′ x 65′ and real dimensions of about 150 light-years in diameter.
W 63 appears predominantly as a weak OIII signal.

RA:  20  19  29.2
DEC:  +45  38  23.1

Recorded on 09.and 29.07.2024 on the Fuscher Törl at 2400m in the Austrian Alps.
Designed in HOO with RGB stars. 
Exposure and filters: Red 17x60sec., Green 16x60sec., Blue 16x60sec., Ha 17x900sec., OIII 10x900sec., OIII 7x1200sec.
Total exposure time: 9h 54min.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft of October 6, 2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 6992 the Eastern Cirrus Nebula

NGC 6992 the Eastern Cirrus Nebula
... also known as the East Veil Nebula, is the part of the Cygnus Arc that is visible in the optical spectrum, a collection of emission and reflection nebulae located at a distance of about 1500 light years in the constellation Cygnus.
Together they are the remnants of a supernova that occurred about 8,000 years ago.
In 1784, William Herschel discovered these powerful nebula structures in the constellation Cygnus.

RA:  20  56  06.5
DEC:  +31  24  29.1

Recorded on 30.07.2024 on the Fuscher Törl at 2400m in the Austrian Alps. On 02.08.2024 on the Goldeck in Carinthia and on August 3rd, 2024 in Lika-Negro, Croatia.  
Prepared in SHO with Lum and RGB stars.
Exposure and filters:  Lum 49x45sec., Red 18x60sec., Green 18x60sec., Blue 18x60sec., Ha 14x900sec., OIII 15x900sec., SII 13x900sec.. 
Total exposure time: 12h 01min..

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..               
Draft of 25.09.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

vdB 149 and vdB 150 the dark Shark Nebula

vdB 149 and vdB 150 the dark Shark Nebula
In 1962, the American astronomer Beverly T. Lynds published in her "Catalogue of Dark Nebulae" a compilation of dark nebulae that she found on the blue and red photographic plates of the "National Geographic Palomar Observatory Sky Atlas" (POSS), taken with the 48-inch Oschin Schmidt telescope at the Mount Palomar Observatory.
The dark part of this nebula (the “eye of the shark”) is listed there with the designation LDN 1235.
In 1965, Lynds published her catalogue of bright nebulae (H II regions and reflection nebulae).
The entire nebula is listed there as LBN 111.07+14.08 or also referred to as LBN 535 and was barely detectable on the red photographic plates. She also added two reflection nebulae (LBN 541 = DG 177, LBN 546 = DG 178) that were discovered on the POSS photographic plates in 1963 by the German astronomers J. Dorschner and J. Gürtler from Jena.

Sidney van den Bergh In 1966, in his “Study of Reflection Nebulae”, he identified the reflection nebula vdB 149 = LBN 541 as illuminated by the star BD +72 1018 and the reflection nebula vdB 150 = LBN 546 as illuminated by the star BD +72 1020 (HD 210806).
LDN 1235 is the densest and darkest part of the molecular cloud and very faint H-II region LBN 535.
It hosts a star formation region.
The age is estimated at 1-5 million years and the distance from Earth is between 1080 and 1200 light years. Within the nebula are two blue reflection nebulae (vdB 149 and vdB 150), which are illuminated by nearby stars of spectral type B8.
The distance of these two stars from Earth is about 1100 light years.

RA:  22  07  20.5
DEC:  +73  06  04.6

Recorded on
23.08.2022 on the Fuscher Törl, in the beautiful Grossglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
And on September 2nd, 2022 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria.
And on October 10, 2023 on the Fuscher Törl, in the beautiful Grossglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Und am 04. und 05. und August 6th, 2024 in Lika-Negro, Croatia.
Prepared in LRGB. 
Exposure and filters: Lum 24x90sec., Lum 79x60sec., Lum 66x45sec., Red 16x90sec., Red 25x45sec., Green 12x90sec., Green 32x45sec., Blue 12x90sec., Blue 16x45sec..
Total exposure time: 4h 39min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter. 
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft of 17.08.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 7000 of the North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula in LRGB

NGC 7000 of the North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula in LRGB
NGC 7000, the North America Nebula, is the name of a diffuse gas nebula in the constellation Cygnus in the northern sky.
The nebula got its name from its shape, which is reminiscent of a map of the North American continent.
In the sky, the nebula is very extensive, measuring 120 by 100 arc minutes (the full moon has a diameter of about 30′).
It is relatively easy to find as it is located slightly east of the bright star Deneb (α Cygni) in Cygnus.
The gas nebula is between 2,000 and 3,000 light years away and its exact distance is difficult to determine.
It consists mainly of hydrogen, some of which occurs in ionized form (HII) and emits visible light in the form of deep red radiation.
In long-exposure photographs, the fog therefore appears intensely reddish.
The ionization source is the O5V star 2MASS J02551.25+435224.6.
The North America Nebula was discovered by William Herschel in 1786.

RA:  20  55  42.4
DEC:  +44  01  59.9

Recorded on 14.08. and 04.09.2021, then on 09.08., 10.08. and 11.08.2024 in my garden in Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn in Lower Austria.
Prepared in LRGB without Ha. 
Exposure and filters: Lum 68x60sec., Lum 24x120min., Red 32x60sec., Red 12x120sec., Green 32x60sec., Green 13x120sec., Blue 32x60sec., Blue 13x120sec..
Total exposure: 4h 44min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Drafted on 30 September 2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 7000 the North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula in SHO with RGB stars

IC 5070 the Pelican Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus,
which is about 2000 light years away.
The object was discovered on June 10, 1891 by Max Wolf.

NGC 7000 the North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula in SHO with RGB stars
NGC 7000, the North America Nebula, is the name of a diffuse gas nebula in the constellation Cygnus in the northern sky.
The nebula got its name from its shape, which is reminiscent of a map of the North American continent.
In the sky, the nebula is very extensive, measuring 120 by 100 arc minutes (the full moon has a diameter of about 30′).
It is relatively easy to find as it is located slightly east of the bright star Deneb (α Cygni) in Cygnus.
The gas nebula is between 2,000 and 3,000 light years away and its exact distance is difficult to determine.
It consists mainly of hydrogen, some of which occurs in ionized form (HII) and emits visible light in the form of deep red radiation.
In long-exposure photographs, the fog therefore appears intensely reddish.
The ionization source is the O5V star 2MASS J02551.25+435224.6.
The North America Nebula was discovered by William Herschel in 1786.

RA:  20  55  42.4
DEC:  +44  01  59.9

Recorded on 14.08. and 04.09.2021, then on 09.08., 10.08. and 11.08.2024 in my garden in Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn in Lower Austria.
Elaborated in SHO with RGB stars. 
Exposure and filters: Lum 68x60sec., Lum 24x120min., Red 32x60sec., Red 12x120sec., Green 32x60sec., Green 13x120sec., Blue 32x60sec., Blue 13x120sec., Ha 11x900sec., Ha 26x240sec., OIII 12x900sec., OIII 26x240sec., SII 8x900sec., SII 26x240sec..
Total exposure: 12h 57min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII und SII CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Drafted on 30 September 2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

Sh2-132 the Lion Nebula in SHO with RGB stars

Sh2-132 the Lion Nebula
… The Sharpless Telescope is a relatively faint emission nebula located about 10,000 light-years away in the constellation Cepheus – the King.
A darkening dark trail of dust and gas is located in the "lion's head" and seems to form the lion's facial features.
The gases contained in it are excited to glow by the two Wolf-Rayet stars WR 153 and WR 152.
Each of them has more than 20 solar masses. Due to their very high surface temperature of up to 120,000 Kelvin, these stars eject up to a solar mass of matter in 1,000 years. These are accelerated to several thousand km/s by the immense radiation.
The angular width of the Lion Nebula in the firmament is slightly larger than the full moon.
On the lower right side is the small Planetary Nebulae PN G101.5-00.6 to recognize.

RA:  22  18  27.4
DEC:  +55  51  55.2

Recorded on 29 and 30/08/2024 on the Fuscher Törl (2400m) in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Elaborated in SHO with RGB stars. 
Exposure and filters: Lum 28x45sec., Red 16x60sec., Green 16x60sec., Blue 16x60sec., Ha 13x900sec., OIII 12x900sec., SII 12x900sec..
Total exposure time: 10h 24min.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 15.09.2024
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 7789 Caroline's Rose or Herschel's Spiral Cluster in LRGB

NGC 7789 Caroline's Rose or Herschel's Spiral Cluster,
is an unusually rich open star cluster of type II1r in the constellation Cassiopeia in the northern sky.
The object was discovered on October 30, 1783 by Caroline Herschel.
It is about 8,000 light years away from the solar system, has a diameter of about 65 light years and consists of up to 15,000 stars. It has an angular extent of 15′ and an apparent brightness of 6.7 mag.
However, the brighter and more massive ones consumed the hydrogen in their interior more quickly and evolved from a main sequence star like the Sun into the many red giant stars.
Since the cluster's stars are already well advanced in their evolution, its age is estimated at about 1.6 billion years, far older than most others of its kind.
The brightest stars are orange giants of type K4 III with an absolute brightness of −2.3 mag.
Most of the other bright stars are giants and subgiants.
All stars brighter than +2 mag appear to have evolved from the main sequence of the H-R diagram.

RA:  23  57  24.5
DEC:  +56  42  13.4

Recorded on 04.09.2024 on the Geschriebenstein in Burgenland. 
Elaboration in LRGB.
Exposure and filters:  Lum 70x45sec., Red 41x60sec., Green 41x60sec., Blue 42x60sec.. 
Total exposure time: 2h 56min.

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 02.10.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

CTA 1 also known as SNR G119.5+10.2

CTA 1 also known as SNR G119.5+10.2
… is a very faint supernova remnant in the constellation Cepheus with an angular extent of about 100 arc minutes and overlaps with the planetary nebula NGC 40.
It is circumpolar for Central Europe. The distance of CTA 1 is estimated at about 4600 light years and its age is about 10,000 years.
This object CTA 1 was discovered as a radio source in 1960 by D. E. Harris and J. A. Roberts.
At the center of CTA 1 is the gamma-ray pulsar PSR J0007.0+7303 with a period of 316.86 ms.
The “CT” stands for “Caltech” and the letter “A” refers to the first list of radio sources published by this observatory. 

RA:  00  06  39.4
DEC:  +72  46  38.9

Recorded on September 4th, 2024 on the Geschriebenstein in Burgenland, and on September 6th and 7th, 2024 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria. 
Prepared in HOO, with Lum and RGB stars.
Exposure and filters:  Lum 60x60sec., Red 18x60sec., Green 18x60sec., Blue 18x60sec., Ha 20x1200sec., OIII 21x1200sec..
Total exposure time: 15h 34min.

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated September 12, 2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

The Heart Nebula also called IC 1805 or Sharpless 2-190 in SHO

The Heart Nebula also called IC 1805 or Sharpless 2-190 in SHO
… is located about 7,500 light years from Earth and is in the Perseus arm of our galaxy in the constellation Cassiopeia.
It was discovered by William Herschel in 1787.
The Heart Nebula is a large emission nebula with bright, ionized hydrogen gas and embedded darker dust lanes. The brightest part of this nebula (the knot on the western edge) is classified separately as NGC 896, as it was the first part of this nebula to be discovered.
The nebula's intense red color and appearance are caused by the radiation from a small group of stars near the nebula's center. This open cluster, known as Melotte 15, contains some very bright stars that are almost 50 times the size of our Sun.

RA:  02  33  0.4
DEC:  +61  26  6.3

Taken on October 27th and 28th, 2024 on the Fuscher Törl (2400m) in the beautiful Grossglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Elaborated in SHO with RGB stars. 
Exposure and filters: Lum 60x45sec., Red 18x60sec., Green 18x60sec., Blue 18x60sec., Ha 14x900sec., OIII 21x900sec., SII 18x900sec..
Total exposure time: 14h 54min.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 12.11.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

The Heart Nebula also called IC 1805 or Sharpless 2-190 in LRGB

The Heart Nebula also called IC 1805 or Sharpless 2-190, in LRGB without Ha narrowband data.
… is located about 7,500 light years from Earth and is in the Perseus arm of our galaxy in the constellation Cassiopeia.
It was discovered by William Herschel in 1787.
The Heart Nebula is a large emission nebula with bright, ionized hydrogen gas and embedded darker dust lanes. The brightest part of this nebula (the knot on the western edge) is classified separately as NGC 896, as it was the first part of this nebula to be discovered.
The nebula's intense red color and appearance are caused by the radiation from a small group of stars near the nebula's center. This open cluster, known as Melotte 15, contains some very bright stars that are almost 50 times the size of our Sun.

RA:  02  33  0.4
DEC:  +61  26  6.3

Recorded on 27 and 28.10.2024 on the Fuscher Törl at 2400m in the beautiful Grossglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Lum 60x45sec., Red 18x60sec., Green 18x60sec., Blue 18x60sec..
Total exposure time: 1h 39min.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Elaborated in LRGB without Ha narrowband data. 
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 12.11.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

Sh2-170 ist ein Emissionsnebel im Sternbild Kassiopeia in HOO

Sh2-170 is an emission nebula visible in the constellation Cassiopeia,
... is located in the Perseus Arm of our galaxy, about 5° north of the star Caph. It is an H-II region on the Perseus Arm, about 7,500 light-years away, near the edge of a large superbubble created by the combined effect of the stellar wind of the Cassiopeia OB5 star association.
The one responsible for the ionization of its gases is known by the abbreviation BD+63 2093. It is a main sequence star of spectral type O9V and is part of the small and young open star cluster Stock 18.
The bright star at the center of the nebula ionizes the surrounding hydrogen gas and causes the nebula to glow.
The nebula is about 2/3 the diameter of the full moon.

RA:  00  01  37.0
DEC:  +64  36  46.0

Recorded on 17 and 19 September 2023 and on October 29, 2024 on the Fuscher Törl at an altitude of 2400m in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Lum 57x60sec., Red 17x90sec., Green 26x90sec., Blue 18x90sec., Ha 12x900sec., OIII 11x900sec.
Total exposure time: 8h 14min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Designed in HOO with RGB stars.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 05.12.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

Sh2-170 ist ein Emissionsnebel im Sternbild Kassiopeia in LRGB

Sh2-170 is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia in LRGB without Ha narrowband data.
... is located in the Perseus Arm of our galaxy, about 5° north of the star Caph. It is an H II region on the Perseus Arm, about 7,500 light-years away, near the edge of a large superbubble created by the combined effect of the stellar wind of the Cassiopeia OB5 star association.
The one responsible for the ionization of its gases is known by the abbreviation BD+63 2093. It is a main sequence star of spectral type O9V and is part of the small and young open star cluster Stock 18.
The bright star at the center of the nebula ionizes the surrounding hydrogen gas and causes the nebula to glow.
The nebula is about 2/3 the diameter of the full moon.

RA:  00  01  37.0
DEC:  +64  36  46.0

Recorded on 17 and 19 September 2023 and on October 29, 2024 on the Fuscher Törl at an altitude of 2400m in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Lum 57x60sec., Red 17x90sec., Green 26x90sec., Blue 18x90sec. 
Total exposure time: 2h 29min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Elaborated in LRGB without Ha narrowband data.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 05.12.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

HFG1 (PK 136+05.1) and Abell 6 (PK 136+04.1) in HOO

HFG1 (PK 136+05.1) and Abell 6 (PK 136+04.1), are located in the constellation Cassiopeia
at a distance of about 1500 light years directly above the Heart Nebula, and are catalogued with the acronyms Abell 6 (bottom right of center) and HFG1 (top left of center).
HFG1 (Heckathorn-Fesen-Gull 1) and Abell 6 form an interesting pair of Planetary Nebulae (PN).
Abell 6 (PK 136+04.1) has the bubble-like appearance of most PNs and remains quite weak (15 mag).
It has a blue appearance due to the ionization of oxygen OIII and also has a fairly strong H-alpha component.
HFG1 (PK 136+05.1) was discovered in 1982 and has a more complex structure.
It forms a circular arc opposite the tail in the direction of the nebula's movement, suggesting that it is a shock wave front of matter with which it interacts with the interstellar medium. HFG1 (PK 136+05.1) with its interesting shape was created by the star pair V664 Cas.
One of them is now a white dwarf, the second resembles our sun.
What is particularly interesting is the small distance between these two stars, as they orbit each other within about 14 hours.

RA:  03  01  42.2
DEC:  +64  42  33.5

Aufgenommen am 29. und 30.10.2024 auf dem Fuscher Törl at 2400m in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Designed in HOO with RGB stars.
Exposure and filters: Lum 61x45sec., Red 18x60sec., Green 20x60sec., Blue 18x60sec., Ha 23x900sec., OIII 25x600sec..
Total exposure time: 11h 36 min.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft of 18.11.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

VdB 158 the blue reflection nebula

VdB 158 the blue reflection nebula
... is located in the center of the cloud at the bottom right of the image. The nearby bright star B9.5V, HD 222142, illuminates vdB 158.
The isolated and elongated molecular cloud in the constellation Andromeda is called GAL 110-13 (also known as LBN 534).
As a little surprise, there is a small planetary nebula (PN) called PK 110-12 1 in the image below right of the center.
Luboš Kohoutek discovered the PN in 1963.
Distance estimates range from 13.8 to 17.1 thousand light years.

RA:  23  40  15.1
DEC:  +48  54  35.7

Recorded on October 31, 2024 on the Fuscher Törl at an altitude of 2400 m, in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Lum 79x45sec., Red 32x90sec., Green 32x90sec., Blue 32x90sec..
Total exposure time: 3h 23 min.

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Prepared in LRGB.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft of November 29, 2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

LDN 1251 is a dark nebula and is also called the Rotten Fish Nebula

LDN 1251 is a dark nebula and is also called the Rotten Fish Nebula
… is located about 1000 light years away and is part of a large collection of dusty molecular clouds in the constellation Cepheus.
This star-forming cloud contains dense cores of molecular gas that collapse under their own gravity and form new stars.
In addition, numerous infrared sources and young stellar objects (YSOs) were discovered, which indicate active star formation processes. Herbig-Haro objects and distant galaxies are hidden within the cloud.
In the lower left area is a bright ruby-red carbon star, similar to a red giant.
Its atmosphere contains more carbon than oxygen, which produces carbon monoxide and excess carbon forms other compounds.

RA:  22  25  44.6
DEC:  +75  08  54.3

Recorded on 01.11.2024 on the Fuscher Törl at an altitude of 2400 m, in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
 Exposure and filters: Lum 120x60sec., Red 30x90sec., Green 30x90sec., Blue 30x90sec..
Total exposure time: 4h 15 min.

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Prepared in LRGB.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft of 20.11.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 1333 is a reflection nebula in the constellation Perseus

NGC 1333 is a reflection nebula in the constellation Perseus
and has an apparent magnitude of 5.60 mag. It is located at an approximate distance of 1000 light years from Earth.
This region is a huge star-forming region containing young stars less than a million years old.
Within the nebula lies the IRAS-4 region, which is home to several protostars.
In visible light, NGC 1333 appears as a reflection nebula with predominantly bluish tones typical of starlight reflected from interstellar dust. The nebula shows details of the dusty region as well as prominent red emissions from Herbig-Haro objects, which come from jets and compressed glowing gas around newborn stars.
The galactic nebula NGC 1333 was discovered on December 31, 1855 by the German astronomer Eduard Schönfeld.
The nebula has been the subject of numerous research projects, the earliest of which dates back to Edwin Hubble in 1922.

RA:  03  27  33.2
DEC:  +30  39  38.0

Recorded on 02.11.2024 on the Fuscher Törl at an altitude of 2400 m, in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Lum 166x60sec., Red 31x90sec., Green 29x90sec., Blue 30x90sec..
Total exposure time: 5 hours 01 minutes.

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Prepared in LRGB.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft of November 27, 2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

CTB 1 is also known as Abell 85 here in SHO

During the incredible good weather period and my 10-day (9 nights continuous) non-stop mobile session at the end of October-November 2024 at the Fuscher Törl at an altitude of 2400m, I also took the opportunity to supplement the CTB 1, which was added in HOO in 2022 and 2023, with SII this year. This allowed me to create a SHO.
What surprised me was that SII is relatively strong and mixes nicely with Ha.
The incorporation method has also improved since last year with regard to the very weak OIII. This means that OIII is more effective.
The total exposure time has increased to 18h 49min over the last 3 years.
All photos were taken at Fuscher Törl in the beautiful Grossglockner area in the Austrian Alps.

CTB 1, also known as Abell 85, is a large supernova remnant located in the constellation Cassiopeia.
The southern part of the supernova bubble also made it into the Lynds Bright Nebula Catalogue as LBN 576.
Originally catalogued by George Abell as a planetary nebula, it quickly became clear that it was a supernova remnant.
Abell 85 was also recognized as a radio source and was given the alternative designation CTB 1.
On the left side of the field are a small reflection nebula GN, clearly visible in this image, and a small possible planetary nebula (We 2-262). Abell 85 has relatively weak OIII and H-beta emissions compared to the traditional supernova remnant spectra of H-alpha, NII and SII.
In fact, this object is often considered one of the most difficult to observe visually and continues to pose a major challenge for astrophotography.

RA:  23  59  13.0
DEC:  +62  26  13.4

Recorded on August 24 and 29, 2022, September 15, 2023 and on November 3, 2024 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure time: Lum: 12x45sec., Red: 12x45sec., Green: 12x45sec., Blue: 12x45sec., Ha: 17x900sec., Ha: 6x1200sec., OIII: 9x720sec., OIII: 6x900sec., OIII: 14x1200sec., SII: 12x1200sec..
Total exposure 18 hours 49 minutes.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, MGEN2, MFOC2, Baader Filter LRGB, Ha, OIII und SII CMOS-optimized 6,5nm f/2,
Elaboration in SHO with RGB stars.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Version vom: 14.11.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

CTB 1 is also known as Abell 85 here in just 36 minutes LRGB

During the incredible good weather period and my 10-day (9 nights continuous) non-stop mobile session at the end of October-November 2024 at the Fuscher Törl at an altitude of 2400m, I also took the opportunity to supplement the CTB 1, which was added in HOO in 2022 and 2023, with SII this year. This allowed me to create a SHO.
What surprised me was that SII is relatively strong and mixes nicely with Ha.
The incorporation method has also improved since last year with regard to the very weak OIII. This means that OIII is more effective.
The total exposure time has increased to 18h 49min over the last 3 years.
All photos were taken at Fuscher Törl in the beautiful Grossglockner area in the Austrian Alps.

CTB 1, also known as Abell 85, is a large supernova remnant located in the constellation Cassiopeia.
The southern part of the supernova bubble also made it into the Lynds Bright Nebula Catalogue as LBN 576.
Originally catalogued by George Abell as a planetary nebula, it quickly became clear that it was a supernova remnant.
Abell 85 was also recognized as a radio source and was given the alternative designation CTB 1.
On the left side of the field are a small reflection nebula GN, clearly visible in this image, and a small possible planetary nebula (We 2-262). Abell 85 has relatively weak OIII and H-beta emissions compared to the traditional supernova remnant spectra of H-alpha, NII and SII.
In fact, this object is often considered one of the most difficult to observe visually and continues to pose a major challenge for astrophotography.

RA:  23  59  13.0
DEC:  +62  26  13.4

Aufgenommen am 24. und 29. August 2022, on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure time: Lum: 12x45sec., Red: 12x45sec., Green: 12x45sec., Blue: 12x45sec.. 
Total exposure only 36 minutes.

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, MGEN2, MFOC2, Baader Filter LRGB, Ha, OIII und SII CMOS-optimized 6,5nm f/2,
Elaboration in LRGB.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Version vom: 14.11.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 1499 or Sh2-220 of the California Nebula in the constellation Perseus in SHO

NGC 1499 or Sh2-220 of the California Nebula in the constellation Perseus
was discovered around 1884 by the American astronomer Edward Barnard and was included shortly afterwards by Dreyer in his New General Catalogue (NGC), published in 1888.
The nebula is the closest HII region to us at a distance of 1,000 light years and is a star formation region that extends over 60 light years.
Its reddish appearance is caused by hydrogen atoms ionized by the neighboring star ξ Persei (Menkib) in the bottom center of my image.
Because of its low surface brightness, the shape of the nebula can only be recognized in long-exposure images.

RA:  04  01  34.7
DEC:  +36  18  22.2

Recorded on 01, 03 and 04.11.2024 on the Fuscher Törl in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Lum 80x60sec., Red 31x90sec., Green 32x90sec., Blue 30x90sec., Ha 13x900sec., OIII 14x900sec., SII 13x900sec..
Total exposure time: 13h 40min.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Elaborated in SHO with RGB stars.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 03.12.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 1499 or Sh2-220 of the California Nebula in the constellation Perseus in LRGB

NGC 1499 or Sh2-220 of the California Nebula in the constellation Perseus
… was discovered around 1884 by the American astronomer Edward Barnard and was included shortly afterwards by Dreyer in his New General Catalogue (NGC), published in 1888.
The nebula is the closest HII region to us at a distance of 1,000 light years and is a star formation region that extends over 60 light years.
Its reddish appearance is caused by hydrogen atoms ionized by the neighboring star ξ Persei (Menkib) in the top center of my image.
Because of its low surface brightness, the shape of the nebula can only be recognized in long-exposure images.

RA:  04  01  34.7
DEC:  +36  18  22.2

Recorded on 01, 03 and 04.11.2024 on the Fuscher Törl at an altitude of 2400m in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Lum 80x60sec., Red 31x90sec., Green 32x90sec., Blue 30x90sec..
Total exposure time: 3h 40min.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Prepared in LRGB.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 03.12.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

M 45 the Pleiades - also known as "The Seven Sisters"

M 45 the Pleiades - also known as "The Seven Sisters"
... are an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus. At a distance of just 450 light years, the star cluster is one of the closest to Earth. It is also famous for its bright, blue stars. There are a large number of X-ray sources in its interior.
The brightest main star is »Alkione«. It shines 1400 times brighter than our sun. »Atlas« is darker and somewhat further away from us. Other classic Pleiades main stars include »Elektra«, »Maja«, »Merope«, »Taygeta«, the aforementioned variable »Pleione«, »Celaeno«, »Asterope« and »Tau«.
For traditional ethnic groups such as the Bedouins, the Pleiades are an indicator of the seasons. According to their annual cycle, the stars rise when the grain is ripe and set at the time of rain when the valley becomes a stream.
Likewise, the Greeks and Romans planned their sowing and trading events according to the movement of the prominent deep sky object.

RA:  03  47  0.5
DEC:  +24  07  01.4

Recorded in 2022, 2023 at Fuscher Törl, und am 09.11.2024 on the Steyersberger-Schwaig. 
Exposure and filters:  Lum 30x10sec., Lum 65x45sec., Lum 230x60sec., Red 12x120sec., Red 58x90sec., Green 5x120sec., Green 83x90sec., Blue 10x120sec., Blue 99x90sec.. Total exposure time: 11h 38 min.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2.
Prepared in LRGB.
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Draft dated 07.12.2024.
(c) Herfried Exl
