My Astrophotographs of 2023

Jones-Emberson 1 (JnEr 1), PK 164+31.1 oder als Kopfhörer Nebel bekannt.

Jones-Emberson 1 (JnEr 1), PK 164+31.1 oder als Kopfhörer Nebel bekannt.
It is located about 1,600 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lynx.
It is one of the apparently larger planetary nebulae and therefore has a low surface brightness.
The expanding remnant of the aging star's atmosphere is four light-years across.
The shell was ejected into interstellar space when the supply of hydrogen and later helium at the center of the star ran out after billions of years.
In the middle of the planetary nebula you can see the remains of the stellar core. It is a blue, hot white dwarf star and is possibly a PG-1159 star. The pale nebula is also known as PK 164 +31.1.
On the cosmic stage, Jones-Emberson 1 is ephemeral and will fade away completely in a few thousand years. But the hot white dwarf star at its center takes billions of years to cool.

RA:  07  57  49.5
DEC:  +53  25  16.7

Recorded on February 13th and 14th, 2023 on the Schwaig in Lower Austria. 
in HOO with RGB stars.
Exposure and filters: Lum: 55x60sec., Red: 18x120sec., Green: 20x120sec., Blue: 20x120sec., OIII: 13x900sec., Ha: 12x900sec..
Total exposure time: 9h 06min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII CMOS-optimized Filter 6,5nm f/2. 
Tools used: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A. Drafted April 23, 2024.
(c) Herfried Exl

Messier 66 also referred to as NGC 3627

Messier 66 also referred to as NGC 3627 is an 8.9 mag bright Hubble-type Sb spiral galaxy in the constellation Leo.
The actual diameter is about 100,000 light years. Together with Messier 65 and NGC 3628, this galaxy forms the Leo Triplet, the core of the M66 group of galaxies, located about 30 million light-years (10 Mpc) away. Halton Arp divided his catalog of unusual galaxies into groups based on purely morphological criteria. In addition, the galaxy in the Arp catalog belongs to the class of spiral galaxies with separated sections. It has also been scientifically examined using space telescopes.
In M66 they were Supernova SN 1989B (Type Ia) and the possible Supernova SN 1997bs observed, although this could also have been an LBV outbreak. The galaxy can already be seen with strong binoculars.
Sie wurde am 1. März 1780 von dem französischen Astronomen Charles Messier entdeckt.

RA:  11  19  44.9
DEC:  +13  14 17.3

Recorded on 22. Februar 2023 on the Stayersberger Schwaig in Lower Austria.
Recording: Red: 24x120sec., Green: 24x120sec., Blue: 24x120sec., Lum: 96x90sec..
Total exposure time: 4h 48min..
Elaboration in LRGB.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader LRGB Filter, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2.
Version vom 04.03.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 4565 the Needle Galaxy

NGC 4565 the Needle Galaxy is a bright spiral galaxy in the constellation Berenice's Hair in the northern sky.
Because only the narrow side of the disk-shaped galaxy can be seen from Earth, it is also known as the needle galaxy, based on this thin, elongated appearance. Its distance is approximately 57 million light years and its size is over 100,000 light years. The galaxy is one of the brightest in the Coma I Galaxy Cloud, a collection of galaxies in front of the Coma galaxy cluster.
NGC 4565 may even form its own group of galaxies.
The galaxy IC 3571 is located in the immediate vicinity of NGC 4565. The astronomer Wilhelm Herschel discovered the object in 1785 as part of a survey of the sky using the most powerful telescope at the time.
NGC 4565 gilt seitdem vielen Beobachtern als eines der schönsten astronomischen Objekte des Nachthimmels.

RA:  12  36  19.5
DEC:  +25  59  24.4

Recorded in 3 nights on the Steyersberger-Schwaig in Lower Austria and on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria, in February and March 2023.
Exposure time: Red: 28x120sec., Green: 26x120sec., Blue: 26x120sec., Lum: 128x90sec., Lum: 48x60sec..
Total exposure time: 6h 40min.. 
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader LRGB Filter, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2.
Elaboration in L-RGB.     Version vom 21.03.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

Messier 94 or NGC 4736 is a Hubble-type Sab spiral galaxy

Messier 94 or NGC 4736 is a Hubble-type Sab spiral galaxy with the dimensions 14.4′ × 12.1′ and the apparent brightness of +8.1 mag in the constellation Hounds in the northern sky. It is about 16 million light-years from the Milky Way and has a diameter of about 60,000 light-years. It is one of the brightest galaxies in the Canes-Venatici I group, a group of galaxies in close proximity to the Local Group within the Virgo Supercluster. In the same area of ​​the sky there are, among other things: the galaxies IC 3795, IC 3808, IC 3835 and IC 3842. They are a LINER galaxy, a form of AGN galaxies whose core region contains weakly ionized gas.
The galaxy contains two rings, the inner one of which is characterized by a very high rate of star formation, which in turn is caused by the emission of gas from the center. M94 is therefore also classified as a starburst galaxy. 

RA:  12  50  53.2
DEC:  +41  07  27.0

Recorded on 21. April 2023 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria.
Recording data: Red: 40x90sec., Green: 24x90sec., Blue: 24x90ec., Lum: 86x60sec..
Total exposure time: 3h 38min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader LRGB Filter, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2.
Elaboration in L-RGB.        Version vom 23.04.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

Messier 102 also referred to as NGC 5866

Messier 102 also referred to as NGC 5866, is a lenticular galaxy with dimensions 6.5′ × 3.1′ and the apparent magnitude of 9.9 mag in the constellation Dragon. Since it is considered the prototype of a lenticular galaxy, i.e. H. is considered a Hubble-type galaxy S0, it is also known by the name “Spindle Galaxy” known. However, this name is ambiguous because, for example, the lenticular galaxy NGC 3115 is also referred to under the same name.
Diameter: 60,000 ly., Distance: 44 million light years, surface brightness: 13.0 mag/arcmin².
There are many other beautiful galaxies in this image, such as: B. IC1099, NGC5905, NGC5906, NGC5907, NGC5908, PGC54267, PGC54154 etc.

RA:  15  11  10.9
DEC:  +55  56  01.0

Recorded on 21. and 22. Mai 2023 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria.
Recording data: Red: 11x120sec., Red: 19x60sec., Green: 9x120sec., Green: 19x60sec., Blue: 11x120ec., Blue: 20x60sec., Lum: 77x60sec.. Lum: 73x90sec.,
Total exposure time:
5h 6min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader LRGB CMOS-optimized Filter, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, N.I.N.A.
Elaboration in L-RGB.       Version vom 23.05.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

The giant “squid nebula” is cataloged as Ou4 and, along with Sh2-129, is also known as the flying bat and giant squid nebula.

The giant “Squid Nebula” is cataloged as Ou4 and, along with Sh2-129, is also known as the Flying Bat Nebula, or “the flying bat and giant squid nebula.”The field is 3 degrees or 6 full moons wide.
The Squid Nebula was discovered in 2011 by French astrophotographer Nicolas Outters. We can recognize its charming bipolar form here by the special blue-green emissions of doubly ionized oxygen atoms. The Squid Nebula appears to be completely surrounded by the reddish hydrogen emission region Sh2-129. Nevertheless, its actual distance and nature were difficult to determine. But a recent study shows that Ou4 is about 2,300 light-years away and really lies inside Sh2-129. Accordingly, Ou4 would be a spectacular outflow from HR8119, a triple system of hot massive stars that we see in the center of the nebula.
The truly massive Squid Nebula is physically nearly 50 light-years across.

RA:  21  11  50.6
DEC:  +59  57  00.1

Recorded on 3. and August 4, 2022 on the Steyersberger Schwaig in Lower Austria, and on July 14, 2023 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Recording data: Lum: 28x45sec., Red: 12x45sec., Green: 12x45sec., Blue: 12x45sec., Ha: 21x720sec., Ha: 8x900sec. OIII: 12x720sec., OIII: 11x900sec., OIII: 7x1200sec..
Total exposure time: 14 hours and 29 minutes.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6,5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 und Lacerta MFOC2.
Elaboration in HOO mit RGB Sternen. Image editing with PI & PS & N.I.N.A.      Version: 03.11.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 6888 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus

NGC 6888 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus, which is 4700 light years away from Earth.It is also called the Crescent Nebula, Crescent Nebula or Crescent Nebula. NGC 6888 is illuminated by a so-called Wolf-Rayet star called WR 136. The nebula's gas was probably also expelled from this star.A characteristic of Wolf-Rayet stars is their extremely strong stellar winds. The matter they blow out into space is caused to glow by their high-energy light and in some cases appears to us as an emission nebula. The glow of the nebula is triggered by two independently occurring ionization processes. The main work here is done by the central star itself, which ionizes the nebula particularly strongly due to its high temperatures and causes it to glow, especially in the OIII range. Furthermore, the strong stellar winds collide with dense interstellar medium, resulting in a shock front where the material heats up and also ionizes.

Slightly at the top right you can see the extremely faint “Bubble Nebula”, which was discovered not long ago!

Der Emissionsnebel NGC 6888 wurde am 15. Dezember 1792 vom deutsch-britischen Astronomen Wilhelm Herschel entdeckt.

RA:  20  13  58.8
DEC:  +38  13  58.6

Recorded on 11. 14. 15. and 18. August 2023 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps and at the Roseggerschutzhaus.
Recording data: Lum: 52x45sec., Red: 16x60sec., Green: 16x60sec., Blue: 16x60sec., Ha 18x900sec., OIII: 21x1200sec., SII: 15x1200sec..
Total exposure time: 17 Std. 57 min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6,5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2 und N.I.N.A.
Image editing with PI & PS in SHO with RGB stars.      Drafted by: 02.01.2024
(c) Herfried Exl

The Elephant Trunk Nebula also known as IC 1396A

The Elephant Trunk Nebula, also known as IC 1396A, is a light-bordered globule. So a collection of interstellar gas and dust in the constellation Cepheus. The globule belongs to IC 1396, an H-II region with an embedded star cluster, and is about 2,400 light-years from Earth. The nebula is an active star-forming region and contains a number of young stars and protostars that are only between 100,000 and a million years old. In front of the globule is the reflection nebula van den Bergh 142 (vdB 142), which is very likely related to physics. This reflection nebula is illuminated by the B3 star HD 239710 (BD +56° 2604).
Recorded on 18. 19. 20. and 21. August 2023 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.

RA:  21  39  29.8
DEC:  +57  28  59.1

Filters: Red: 40x45sec., Green: 40x45sec., Blue: 40x45ec., Lum: 60x45sec., Ha: 16x900sec., OIII: 16x1200sec., SII: 16x1200sec..
Total exposure time: 16h 55min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII CMOS-optimized Filter.
Image editing: PI & PS & N.I.N.A..  Elaboration in SHO with RGB stars.       Version vom 05.11.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

The crop view of the elephant trunk IC 1396
from before.

The crop view of the elephant trunk IC 1396
from before.

Abell 85 also known as CTB 1 is a large supernova remnant

Abell 85, also known as CTB 1, is a large supernova remnant, which is located in the constellation Cassiopeia.
The southern part of the supernova bubble also made it into the Lynds Bright Nebula Catalog as LBN 576. Originally cataloged as a planetary nebula by George Abell, it quickly became clear that it was a supernova remnant.
Abell 85 was also recognized as a radio source and was given the alternative designation CTB 1.
Auf der linken Seite des Feldes befinden sich ein kleiner Reflexionsnebel GN, der in diesem Bild deutlich sichtbar ist, und ein kleiner möglicher planetarischer Nebel (We 2-262). Abell 85 hat relativ schwache OIII und H-Beta-Emissionen im Vergleich zu den traditionellen Supernova-Überresten Spektren von H-alpha, NII und SII. Tatsächlich wird dieses Objekt daher oft als eines der schwierigsten Objekte für die visuelle Beobachtung angesehen und stellt nach wie vor eine große Herausforderung für die Astro-Fotografie dar.

RA:  23  59  13.0
DEC:  +62  26  13.4

Recorded am 24. und 29. August 2022 und am September 15, 2023 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure time: Lum: 12x45sec., Red: 12x45sec., Green: 12x45sec., Blue: 12x45sec., Ha: 17x900sec., Ha: 6x1200sec., OIII: 9x720sec., OIII: 6x900sec., OIII: 14x1200sec.. 
Total exposure time: 14 Std. 49 min..
Elaboration in HOO with RGB stars.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6,5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2,
Image editing: PI & PS.       Version: 28.12.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

This mysterious reflection nebula “vdB 152” is actually very faint

This mysterious reflection nebula “vdB 152” is actually very faint. He is described as a “dusty curtain” or a “ghostly apparition.” It lies about 1,400 light-years away along the northern Milky Way in the royal constellation Cepheus. Near the edge of a large molecular cloud, pockets of cosmic dust block light from background stars or scatter light from the embedded bright star. This gives parts of the nebula a characteristic blue color. The star's ultraviolet light is also thought to produce a faint reddish luminescence in the nebula dust. Although stars form in molecular clouds, this star appears to have wandered into this area only by chance. The measured speed through interstellar space is very different from the speed of the cloud. This long-range telescopic image spans approximately 7 light-years at an estimated distance of vdB 152.

RA:  22  14  28.6
DEC:  +70  35  15.5

Recorded am 08. und 09. und am 16. September 2023 at the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Red: 41x90sec., Green: 40x90sec., Blue: 41x90ec., Lum: 179x60sec., Ha: 16x900sec. OIII: 8x900sec..
Total exposure time: 12h 02min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, CMOS-optimized Filter. 6.5nm f/2.
Image editing with: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..
Elaborated n LRGB with Ha and OIII.      Elaboration vom 27.12.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 7822 is an emission nebula

NGC 7822 is an emission nebula, a birthplace of many stars in the constellation Cepheus.
The emission nebula itself is also referred to as Sharpless 171, and the star cluster as Berkeley 59. This area is believed to be 3,000 light years away. The younger stars in the cluster are a few million years old.
Some stars are among the hottest within a kiloparsec of the Sun, notably BD+66 1673, an eclipsing binary system,
which consists of a class O5V star with a surface temperature of 45,000 Kelvin and is approximately 100,000 more luminous than the Sun.
This star is the primary source that lights the nebula and forms the Elephant Trunks, which are similar to the Pillars of Creation.
The object was discovered on November 16, 1829 by John Herschel.

RA:  00  03  43.8
DEC:  +67  07  28.9

Recorded am 10. und 11. und September 15, 2023 at the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Total exposure time: 13h 56min..
Exposure and filters: Red: 41x60sec., Green: 21x60sec., Blue: 20x60ec., Ha: 13x900sec. OIII: 16x1200sec. SII: 13x1200sec.. 
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII, CMOS-optimized Filter. 6.5nm f/2. 
Elaborated n RGB with Ha, OIII and SII.  Image editing with: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..     Elaboration from 31.12.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 281 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia in the northern sky

NGC 281 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia in the northern sky, der 9500 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt ist. 
The nebula is recorded in the index catalog as IC 11 and is colloquially referred to as the “Pac-Man Nebula”, especially in the English-speaking world, because of its similarity to the well-known video game main character of the same name. Embedded within NGC 281 is the open star cluster IC 1590, whose stars are scattered around the center of the nebula, some of which are highlighted by their X-rays. The brightest member of IC 1590, the multiple star system BD +55° 191 (HD 5005), is the nebula's ionizing source. The nebula also contains several Bok globules in which signs of star formation have been detected using infrared imaging. The molecular cloud, the ionized part of which is the emission nebula, can also be seen in infrared images.
NGC 281 wurde am 16. November 1881 vom US-amerikanischen Astronomen Edward Emerson Barnard entdeckt.

RA:  00  52  48.9
DEC:  +56  37  25.1

Recorded on the 10th and 11. Oktober 2023 on the Fuscher Törl in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure and filters: Red 48x90sec., Green 21x90sec., Blue 19x90ec., Lum 40x60sec., Ha 18x600sec., OIII 18x600sec., SII 14x600sec.. Total exposure time: 11h 12min.. 
Elaboration integrated into SHO with LRGB.  Image editing with PI, PS. & N.I.N.A.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6,5nm f/2. Elaboration vom 29.01.2024
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 891 is a spiral galaxy

NGC 891 is a spiral galaxy with extensive star formation regions of the Hubble type Sb in the constellation Andromeda in the northern sky. The galaxy is around 30 million light-years from the Milky Way and belongs to the NGC-1023 group. With a diameter of 150,000 light-years, NGC 891 is the dominant galaxy in this group and also one of the largest known spiral galaxies. The object interacts with the dwarf galaxy PGC 8947, which is approximately 250,000 years away.
In the same area of ​​the sky there are, among other things, the galaxies NGC 898, NGC 906, NGC 909 and NGC 911.
The Type II supernova SN 1986J was observed here. 
Abell 347 is an interesting and beautiful galaxy cluster just 45 arc minutes southeast of NGC 891. It is part of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster and is 250 million light-years away (about 100 times further than the Andromeda galaxy!) NGC 910 is the dominant galaxy (cD , 12.2 likes). It consists of about 40 galaxies of different classification types, which suggests a younger age.

RA:  02  25  17.9
DEC:  +42  05  25.6

Recorded on the 12th and 17. Oktober 2023 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps and on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria.
Exposure and filters: Red: 68x90sec., Green: 60x90sec., Blue: 62x90ec., Lum: 235x60sec.,
Total exposure time:
8h 40min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, CMOS-optimized Filter.
Image editing in LRGB with PI, PS. & N.I.N.A.     Version vom 15.11.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

VdB 14 and 15 are two reflection nebulae

VdB 14 and 15 are two reflection nebulae in the inconspicuous constellation Camelopardalis (giraffe).
VdB 14 extends in the southernmost part of the Giraffe constellation and can be easily observed with amateur telescopes due to its brightness. This nebula is illuminated by the brilliant star HD 21291, which is also visible to the naked eye with an apparent magnitude of 4.29.
HD 21291 is a blue supergiant star of the Alfa Cygni type and belongs to the “OB association Cam OB1”, located on the outer edge of Orion's arm.
VdB 15 is also located in the southern part of the Giraffe constellation, near the border of Cassiopeia and Perseus. This nebula can also be observed with less powerful amateur telescopes and is illuminated by the bright star HD 21389, which has an apparent magnitude of 4.55.
HD 21389 is also a blue supergiant star of the Alfa Cygni type and belongs to the same “OB association Cam OB1”.
In this section, the band of the Milky Way is strongly obscured by large amounts of interstellar dust, which is located only a few hundred light-years from the Sun. In these regions, as well as in “Cam OB1”, active star formation processes take place, which are caused by infrared sources and stars with strong Emissions in the Hα range are documented.
The nebula effects are caused by the intense radiation from the glowing stars, resulting in an impressive blue glow.

RA:  03  30  13.5
DEC:  +59  21  57.3

Recorded on the 8th and 07. Dezember 2023 on the Steyersberger Schwaig in Lower Austria and on the Geschreibenstein in Burgenland.
Elaboration in LRGB Ha with PI, PS. & N.I.N.A.
Exposure and filters: Red: 61x90sec., Green: 61x90sec., Blue: 60x90ec., Lum: 78x120sec., Ha: 13x900sec..
Total exposure time: 10h 24min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB Ha, CMOS-optimized Filter.
  Version vom 11.12.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

PuWe 1 or PN G158.9+17.8 is a quite large but very faint planetary nebula in the constellation Lynx.

PuWe 1 or PN G158.9+17.8 is a quite large but very, very faint planetary nebula in the constellation Lynx.
The nebula was discovered in 1980 (original discovery paper: by Purgathofer and Weinberger from the Palomar Deep Sky Survey images. 
The nebula is one of the largest planetary nebulae visible in our sky, with a diameter almost as large as the full moon!
PuWe 1 is also one of the closest known PNs, at a distance of only about 1200 light years. It shines very faintly in the wavelengths H-alpha and OIII. In Ha it has an estimated surface brightness of only 23.7 mag/arcsecond and in OIII only 26.3 mag/arcsecond. The integrated brightness levels are 8.6 and 11.2 respectively. This means that you can imagine the PN as a star with magnitude 8.6. Which is defocused on the size of the moon.
Dies ist ein Hinweis auf die unglaubliche Schwäche des PN. Der PN hat einen geschätzten Durchmesser von etwa 4 Lichtjahren und ist daher wahrscheinlich ein sehr alter Überrest eines planetarischen Nebels, der sich so weit ausgedehnt hat, dass die verbleibenden Gase vom Zentralstern nur noch schwach mit Energie versorgt werden.

RA:  06  19  32.2
DEC:  +55  36  51.7

Recorded on 18. Dezember 2023 at Geschriebenstein in Burgenland.
Exposure and filters: Red: 22x90sec., Green: 20x90sec., Blue: 20x90ec., Lum: 27x60sec., Ha: 18x900sec. OIII: 15x900sec..
Total exposure time: 10h 15min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2, Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII, CMOS-optimized Filter. Elaborated in HOO with RGB stars. Image editing: PI, PS. & N.I.N.A..   
Version vom 20.12.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

Diese Astonomie Aufnahme von meinem PuWe 1 bzw. PN G158.9+17.8, wurde zum „Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day 31.12.2023“ gewählt.
... which of course makes me very happy.
