My Astrophotographs of 2021
NGC 7000 the North America Nebula
NGC 7000 (left) the North America Nebula, is the name of a diffuse gas nebula in the constellation Cygnus in the northern sky. The nebula got its name because of its shape, which is reminiscent of a map of the North American continent, and is approximately 2,500 light-years away.
IC 5070 (right) the Pelican Nebula, is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus, approximately 2,000 light-years away.
Recorded on 14. August 2021 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria and on 04. September 2021 in my own garden in Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn in Lower Austria, with the kind help of my son Lukas.
RA: 20 55 42.4
DEC: +44 01 59.9
Exposure time: Lum: 25x120sec., Red: 12x120sec., Green: 13x120sec., Blue: 12x120sec..
Total exposure time: nur 2 Stunden und 4 Minuten.
Image editing with PI & PS.
Takahashi Epsilon-160ED 160/530mm, QHY-268M, CFW3L, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2.
This was my first L-RGB recording with the Takahashi Epsilon 160ED Newton and the QHY268m.
(c) Exl Herfried
M 31 the Andromeda galaxy
M 31 the Andromeda galaxy, also Andromeda Nebula or Great Andromeda Nebula, is the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, around 2.5 million light-years away. It is located in the eponymous constellation Andromeda and is the most distant object that can be observed with the naked eye under good conditions without technical aids. The Andromeda Galaxy is similar to the Milky Way. There are dark dust bands, star formation regions and over 200, possibly 500 globular star clusters in the outer area. Their individual stars can also be observed in ever larger areas.
The galaxy has a massive black hole of around 100 million solar masses at its center, spiral arms extending from it to a distance of around 80,000 light-years, and its halo extends over a million light-years.
RA: 00 42 45.9
DEC: +41 16 09.2
Recorded on the 1st and 03. Oktober 2021 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria.
Total exposure time: 9 Stunden und 24 Minuten.
Exposure time: Lum: 47x180sec., Red: 28x180sec., Green: 34x180sec., Blue: 33x180sec., Ha: 23x360sec..
Takahashi Epsilon-160ED, QHY-268M, CFW3L, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC und N.I.N.A.
Elaboration in LRGBHa. Image editing with PI & PS. Version: 10.01.2023
Messier 33 is also known as the Triangular Galaxy and the Triangulum Nebula
Messier 33 is also known as the Triangular Galaxy and the Triangulum Nebula, is a spiral galaxy with dimensions 70′ × 40′ and a total brightness of 5.7 mag. in the constellation Triangle in the northern fixed star sky. This makes it the second brightest spiral galaxy in the night sky after the Andromeda Galaxy and one of the closest to us. However, its brightness is spread over a larger area, so that under normal conditions it is not visible to the naked eye, but only visible through binoculars.
Die Entfernung beträgt ca. 2,76 Mio. Lichtjahre.
RA: 01 33 52.1
DEC: +30 39 37.3
Recorded on 11. November 2021 auf der Brunnalm (Veitsch) Steiermark.
Elaboration in: L-RGB-Ha. Moon phase 53.4%
Total exposure time: 4 Stunden und 55 Minuten.
Takahashi Epsilon-160ED, QHY-268M, CFW3L, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 und Lacerta MFOC2.
Image editing with PI & PS.
(c) Herfried Exl