Elements of Creation

The “Elements” of Creation
...form when massive stars in one Supernova or Nova explode.
But even if low-mass stars expand and Lose layers of the star's surface.
These are them then PN's or the “Planetary Nebulae” which are slowly expanding and mostly have round shape .
If 2 low-mass stars orbit each other (binary stars), there is usually a bipolar form of the PN.

This "Elements" that I try to depict in my astrophotographs are the
Hydrogen Ha, the Oxygen OIII and the Sulfur SII.

Line filters or narrow band filters are very narrow band filters that only filter certain objects
allow emitted spectral lines to pass through.

Examples of line filters are:

H-α-Filter: Spectral line of the H-alpha line of the excited hydrogen at 656 nm.
Use for emission nebulae (H-II regions).
O-III-Filter: Spectral lines of the doubly ionized oxygen at 496 nm. and 501 nm.
Use for planetary nebulae, supernova remnants and Wolf-Rayet objects.
S-II-Filter: Spectral line of the simply ionized sulfur at 672 nm.
Use mainly for star formation regions.
H-β-Filter: Spectral line of the H-beta line of the hydrogen at 486 nm.
Use mainly visually for emission nebulae.
N-II-Filter: Spectral line of the simply ionized nitrogen at 658 nm.

H-α-Filter:  Spectral line of the H-alpha line of the excited hydrogen at 656 Nanometer.
Line filter with 6.5 nanometers half width.
Use for emission nebulae (H-II regions).

O-III-Filter:  Spectral lines of the doubly ionized oxygen at 501 Nanometer.
Line filter with 6.5 nanometers half width.
Use for planetary nebulae, supernova remnants and Wolf-Rayet objects.

S-II-Filter:  Spectral line of the simply ionized sulfur at 672 Nanometer.
Line filter with 6.5 nanometers half width.
Use mainly for star formation regions.

Ha, OIII and SII Filters:
656,3  &  500,7  &  671,7 Nanometer.
Line filter with 6.5 nanometers half width.
The line filters or narrow band filters enable “False color image” in the “Hubble Palette” to represent.
The colors RGB will e.g. b. HSO assigned, where Ha in red, SII in dark red and OIII in blue pictured.

Red, Green and Blue Filters:
Pass range 400-510, 490-580, 595-690 nanometers.
The RGB Filters you need to Representing “real” colors.

UV/IR Cut  Luminanz-Filter:
Pass range 420-685 nanometers.
