Copyright and Reproduction Policy

Unless otherwise stated, all materials on this website are copyright © Herfried Exl.

Die Webseite ist unter erreichbar, und hat den Titel „Deep Sky Elements Of Creation„.

Images on this website ( dürfen für den privaten, nicht kommerziellen Gebrauch kostenlos heruntergeladen werden (z. B. als Hintergrundbilder für Windows usw.).
Sie dürfen sie jedoch in keiner Form, weder elektronisch noch auf Papier, ohne written Permission to publish without the author's permission!
Permission for non-profit, non-commercial organizations (clubs, schools, universities, etc.) is usually granted free of charge if the author provides the appropriate source, but must be given by me in written form and can be requested.
Private and commercial users should contact me in written form with a description of their intended use,
Herfried Exl, mail: contact me.
Please understand that I cannot provide my images for free as they are high quality images that require expensive professional equipment, long and cold hours at the telescope and almost as much time at the computer screen to create these images was spent.
The text on these pages is not released for reproduction, i.e. H. he is allowed in no form to be published!
You are welcome to provide links on your website to this website and subpages of this website that may be of interest to you.
