My Astrophotographs of 2022

Messier 106 or NGC 4258 is a barred spiral galaxy

Messier 106 or NGC 4258 is a barred spiral galaxy with the dimensions 18′.6 × 7′.2 and the apparent brightness of 8.3 mag in the constellation Canes Venatici. At a distance of about 23 million ly, the galaxy lies in the vicinity of several groups of galaxies. For example, the Ursa Major group, the Coma Sculptor group, the Canes Venatici I group or the Canes Venatici II group.
The galaxy has a diameter of about 135,000 ly.

RA:  12  17  52.8
DEC:  +47  16  19.5

Recorded in 2 nights January 2022 at the Geschriebenstein in Burgenland and at the Brunnalm in Styria.
Total exposure time: approx. 4.5 hours in L-RGB.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 and Lacerta MFOC2.
Image editing: PI & PS.    Version:  10.07.2022
(c) Herfried Exl

The M81 and M82 group

The M81 and M82 group extends over the constellations Ursa Major and Giraffe. The distance from our sun to the center of the galaxy cluster is approximately 12 million light years. The M81 group is a group of galaxies that is located in the immediate vicinity of the so-called “Local Group”. In addition to the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy also belongs to the Local Group. The two most famous galaxies in the group, M81 and M82, were discovered on December 31, 1774 by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode.

RA:  09  58  29.2
DEC:  +69  20  07.3

Recorded in 4 nights March 2022 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria and on the Geschreibenstein in Burgenland.
Total exposure time: approx. 18 hours in L-RGB and Ha.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268m, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2.
Elaboration mit PI & PS und N.I.N.A..
(c)  Herfried Exl

Messier 101 also known as NGC 5457 Pinwheel Galaxy or Pinwheel Galaxy

Messier 101 also known as NGC 5457, Pinwheel Galaxy is a spiral galaxy with dimensions of 28.8′ × 26.9′ and an apparent brightness of 7.5 mag in the constellation Ursa Major.
Its distance is around 16 million light years and its diameter is 170,000 ly.

RA:  14  01  21.4
DEC:  +54  18  28.9

Recorded in 3 nights March 2022 on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria and on the Brunnalm in Styria.
Total exposure time: approx. 12 hours in L-RGB Ha.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 and Lacerta MFOC2.
Image editing: PI & PS.
(c) Herfried Exl

Messier 13 or M13 also known as Hercules Cluster or NGC 6205

Messier 13 or M13, also known as Hercules Cluster or NGC 6205, is a very bright globular star cluster in the constellation Hercules.
It contains at least 500,000 stars. M13 is the brightest globular cluster in the northern sky and was discovered by the English astronomer Sir Edmond Halley in 1714. It is about 25,100 light-years from the Sun, has 300,000 times the luminosity of the Sun and a diameter of 150 light-years.

RA:  16  41  41.4
DEC:  +36  27  58.2

Recorded in 2 nights on the 2nd and July 3, 2022 in Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn in Lower Austria.
Total exposure time: approx. 2 hours in L-RGB.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 and Lacerta MFOC2. 
Image editing with PI & PS.     Version: 19.12.2022
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 6960 the Cirrus Nebula is part of the Cirrus Nebula complex

NGC 6960, the Cirrus Nebula, is part of the Cirrus Nebula complex – a supernova remnant in the constellation Cygnus that formed approximately 8,000 years ago. Due to its appearance, this beautiful emission and reflection nebula is generally considered to be „Sturmvogel“ known.
The bright star in the center is 52 Cyg (4.2 mag). NGC 6969 was discovered on September 7, 1784 by William Herschel.
Radius ca. 50 Lj.. Entfernung ca. 1500 Lj..

RA:  20  47  54.5
DEC:  +30  55  05.5

Recorded in 3 nights on the 3rd, 19th and 24. Juli 2022 in Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn in Lower Austria and on the Ebenwaldhöhe in Lower Austria.
Total exposure time:  9 Std. 15 min..
Lum: 26min.15sec., Red: 12min.45sec., Green: 12min., Blue: 12min., Ha: 2Std.48min., OIII: 2Std.36min., SII: 2Std.48min.. LRGB je 45sec. Ha, OIII, SII je 720sec..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6.5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2 and N.I.N.A.
Elaboration in SHO with PI & PS.     Version: 02.01.2023
(c) Herfried Exl

NGC 7023 is a small open star cluster

NGC 7023 is a small, open star cluster, which is enveloped by a faint dust nebula (LBN 487).
It was discovered on October 18, 1794 by the German-British astronomer Wilhelm Herschel.
Dreyer described NGC 7023 as a 7th magnitude star embedded in a very faint but large nebula.
Due to their color and shape, the nickname “iris mist” refers to the blue flowers of the iris (Iris versicolor) and not the iris of the eye. Distance about 1300 light years. The star HD 200775 is a hot, blue Herbig Be star with an apparent brightness of about 7.4 magnitude. It emits most of its radiation in the UV range.
The mass is estimated to be around 10 to 15 times that of the Sun and the age to be 100,000 years.

RA:  21  01  39.9
DEC:  +68  09  38.6

Recorded on 01. August 2022 at Geschriebenstein in Burgenland.
Total exposure time: in LRGB approx. 2 hours.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader LRGB Filter, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 und Lacerta MFOC2.
Elaboration in LRGB mit PI & PS.     Version from: 09.08.2022
(c) Herfried Exl

The giant “squid nebula” is cataloged as Ou4 and, along with Sh2-129, is also known as the flying bat and giant squid nebula.

The giant “Squid Nebula” is cataloged as Ou4 and, along with Sh2-129, is also known as the Flying Bat Nebula, or “the flying bat and giant squid nebula.” The field is 3 degrees or 6 full moons wide.
The Squid Nebula was discovered in 2011 by French astrophotographer Nicolas Outters.
We can recognize its charming bipolar form here by the special blue-green emissions of doubly ionized oxygen atoms.
The Squid Nebula appears to be completely surrounded by the reddish hydrogen emission region Sh2-129, although its actual distance and nature have been difficult to determine. But a recent study shows that Ou4 is about 2,300 light-years away and really lies inside Sh2-129. Accordingly, Ou4 would be a spectacular outflow from HR8119, a triple system of hot massive stars that we see in the center of the nebula.
The truly massive Squid Nebula is physically nearly 50 light-years across.

RA:  21  11  50.6
DEC:  +59  57  00.1

Recorded on 3. and August 4, 2022 on the Steyersberger Schwaig in Lower Austria.
Exposure time: Lum: 28x45sec., Red: 12x45sec., Green: 12x45sec., Blue: 12x45sec., Ha: 21x720sec., OIII: 12x720sec., OIII: 11x900sec..
Total exposure time: approx. 10 hours.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6.5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 and Lacerta MFOC2.
Image editing in HOO with RGB stars. PI & PS.     Version: 25.12.2022
(c) Herfried Exl

Abell 85 also known as CTB 1 is a large supernova remnant

Abell 85, also known as CTB 1, is a large supernova remnant, which is located in the constellation Cassiopeia.
The southern part of the supernova bubble also made it into the Lynds Bright Nebula Catalog as LBN 576. Originally cataloged as a planetary nebula by George Abell, it quickly became clear that it was a supernova remnant. Abell 85 was also recognized as a radio source and was given the alternative designation CTB 1. On the left side of the field are a small reflection nebula (GN, clearly visible in this image, and a small possible planetary nebula (We 2-262). Abell 85 has relatively weak OIII and H-beta emissions compared to the traditional supernova remnant spectra of H-alpha, NII and SII.
In fact, this object is therefore often considered one of the most difficult objects to visually observe and continues to represent a major challenge for astrophotography.

RA:  23  59  13.0
DEC:  +62  26  13.4

Recorded on 24. and 29.August 2022 on the Fuscher Törl in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Total exposure time: Lum: 12x45sec., Red: 12x45sec., Green: 12x45sec., Blue: 12x45sec., Ha: 17x900sec., OIII: 9x720sec., OIII: 6x900sec..
Total exposure time 8 Std. 9 min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6.5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 and Lacerta MFOC2.
Elaboration in HOO with RGB stars and PI & PS.     Version: 26.12.2022
(c) Herfried Exl

Sh2-157 or Lobster Claw Nebula is a large emission nebula area in the constellation Cassiopeia

Sh2-157, or Lobster Claw Nebula, is a large emission nebula region in the constellation Cassiopeia which, in addition to Ha, OIII, also shows clear structures in SII. In the lower central area of ​​the image, the Herbig-Haro object HH170 can be seen next to a brighter star.
This is gas ejected from a star that hits interstellar dust.
At the bottom right of the image you can see the glowing outcrops of the nebula around NGC7635. A bright compact open star cluster NGC7510 can be seen on the left edge of Sh2-157, at around 8 o'clock - its elongated shape is striking.
At the very left edge of the image you can find the small emission nebula IC1470.

RA:  23  16  01.8
DEC:  +60  09  02.9

Recorded on 21. and 22. September 2022 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure time: Lum: 59x60sec., Red: 16x60sec., Green: 16x60sec., Blue: 16x60sec., Ha: 15x900sec., OIII: 7x900sec., OIII: 8x1200sec., SII: 7x900sec., SII: 7x1200sec..
Total exposure time: 10 hours.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6,5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 und Lacerta MFOC.
Elaboration in SHO with RGB stars with PI & PS.
Version: 06.10.2024
(c) Herfried Exl

Sharpless Sh2-200 or PNG 138.1+04.1 or also known as HDW 2 (Hartl-Dengl-Weinberger 2)

The small planetary nebula PN LDu 14, PN G137.7+03.3
Elaboration from January 30, 2024

The small planetary nebula PN LDu 14, PN G137.7+03.3
Elaboration from April 26, 2023

Sharpless Sh2-200 or PNG 138.1+04.1 or also known as HDW 2 (Hartl-Dengl-Weinberger 2), is a fairly old planetary nebula (PN) in the constellation Cassiopeia. In English the nebula is also called “Bearclaw nebula” – in German “Bear Paw Nebula”. The bright part of the object is about 6′ in diameter, north is at the top. It is a little-studied object that was initially cataloged as the H-II region. It was only recognized as a planetary nebula in 1983, in a study of some nebulae of unusual appearance.
Its distance is estimated at approximately 3590 light years. According to W.A. Weidmann and R. Gamen, who studied the central stars of various PNs, the central star of HDW 2 is a binary star.
The color of the object is a mix of the blue/green OIII and red/magenta Ha. The planetary nebula is almost spherical with pronounced streaks and a darker area to the south, surrounded by a thin gap. What appears to be an outer bright H-alpha ring or halo is probably the edge of an extensive spherical shell from another previous explosive event. This faint halo extends to a small open star cluster, Trumpler 3.
In my photo you can see the faint little round one at the bottom right Planetary nebula PN LDu 14, PN G137.7+03.3 recognize.

RA:  03  11  01.1
DEC:  +62  47  30.5

Recorded on 26. and 27. Oktober 2022 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure time: Red: 16x120sec., Green: 16x120sec., Blue: 16x120sec., Ha: 27x1200sec., OIII: 14x1200sec.
Total exposure time: 15h 16min..
Elaboration in HOO mit RGB Sternen.
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6.5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2, Lacerta MFOC2 and N.I.N.A.
Image editing: PI & PS.      Version: 30.01.2024
(c) Herfried Exl

IC 1848 the Soul Nebula also Sharpless 2-199 or LBN 667 is an emission nebula

IC 1848 the Soul Nebula also Sharpless 2-199 or LBN 667 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way. The nebula contains several small open star clusters and a radio source known as W5.
IC1848 is about 7,500 light-years away from us and has an area of ​​​​about 40´ x 10´ in the sky.
Die scheinbare Helligkeit beträgt 12,5mag. Direkt neben IC1848 befindet sich der Herznebel IC1805 und etwas abgelegener der offene Doppelsternhaufen h und Chi Persei. Zusammen mit IC1805 bildet IC1848 ein zusammenhängendes Sternentstehungsgebiet im Perseusarm unserer Milchstraße.

RA:  02  54  44.6
DEC:  +60  21  49.8

Recorded on 28. and 29. Oktober 2022 on the Fuscher Törl at approx. 2400m altitude in the beautiful Großglockner area in the Austrian Alps.
Exposure time: Red: 16x120sec., Green: 16x120sec., Blue: 16x120sec., Lum: 49x60sec., Ha: 16x900sec., OIII: 15x900sec., SII: 16x900sec..
Total exposure time: 14h 10min..
Takahashi Epsilon 160ED, QHY268M, QHYCFW3, Baader Filter CMOS-optimized 6.5nm f/2, Ioptron iEQ45, Lacerta MGEN2 and Lacerta MFOC2.
Version: 26.03.2023
(c) Herfried Exl
